
Cost per item formula
Cost per item formula

cost per item formula

In order to lookup a value using VLOOKUP, we follow these steps: We want to determine the cost for the product “Laptop” without having to search the whole list. Sample data to lookup cost for product or service Lookup cost for product “Laptop” In this case, let us look up the cost for “Laptop” and record it in cell F3.įigure 2. In cell E3, we enter the gadget whose cost we want to look up from our data B2:C7.

cost per item formula

Here we have a list of Gadgets (column B) and the corresponding Cost (column C).

  • if FALSE, VLOOKUP will only find an exact match.
  • if TRUE or omitted, VLOOKUP returns either an exact or approximate match.
  • – optional value is either TRUE or FALSE.
  • col_index_num – the column number in the table_array corresponding to the information we want to retrieve, relative to the lookup_value.
  • table_array – the range of cells in the source table containing the data we want to retrieve.
  • cost per item formula

    lookup_value – the value that we want to search and find in the table_array.The parameters of the VLOOKUP function are: = VLOOKUP ( lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, ) Final result: Lookup cost for product “Laptop”įinal formula: =VLOOKUP(E3,B3:C7,2,FALSE) Syntax of the VLOOKUP function This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users to lookup the corresponding cost of a specific product using VLOOKUP.įigure 1. VLOOKUP provides a quick way of looking up a value from any list or range. While working with Excel, we are able to lookup a value and retrieve data from a data set using the VLOOKUP function.

    Cost per item formula